Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The Rise & Rise of iSLE Magazine

Now iSLE magazine Founder, Creative Director, Editor & Writer Lisa McGee & all the other writers of this colourful, well written, all-Ireland e-magazine, don’t need me to be making any grandiose promotional pitches here.  Because in just its second issue this exciting magazine promotes itself.  Such is its popularity & success, its readership numbers have soared.    A glance through this beautifully presented magazine & you soon see why it has become so. 

I was hooked the moment the 1st issue went live online several months ago & now I find I’m achingly impatient for each new issue to appear.   

iSLE's 2nd issue has so many interesting & well presented articles.   I especially enjoyed Lisa’s report on Belfast & its surrounding attractions.  I visited Belfast for the first time last year & I loved it.  The article pulls together all the great things about Belfast which makes it a rising star in the tourism market. 

 iSLEmagazine is full of wonderful lifestyle stories & enterprising people from all over Ireland which is what I love about it.   Not being Irish or living in Ireland, I love how the stories & the colourful photos, transport me back there.

I’m also very humbled to have been given a mention in this latest issue in their ‘Blog iSLE’ section of the magazine, written by well known Irish blogger extraordinaire Lorna Sixsmith.  I say I’m humbled & I truly mean it because my foray into the somewhat self indulgent world of Blogging only began a year ago, as those of you who may be following my blog will testify. There are many other more worthy candidates who are more articulate & deserving of a mention than I.  But I’m nonetheless extremely excited that my Paddy’s Wagon Blog has been recognized in this way. 

Just before Christmas & always a sucker for a competition, I entered iSLE's photo competition on Twitter.  While I was in Ireland for a month last year, I snapped over 2,000 photos, so it's fair to say, I had a few I could send in to the competition.  The long & the short of it all was that I won the competition purely, I suspect because of the sheer volume of photos I brazenly submitted.  

And thus began a wonderful connection with Lisa & iSLE, whose friendly banter I've so enjoyed over the last few months.  

I'll stop chattering now so you can get yourselves over to iSLE Magazine 

And because every blog needs photos, here's a few of my favourite images of Ireland that you may also see if you follow iSLE Pinterest & iSLE Facebook

I've even included my favourite Donkey photos because at iSLE, they just love Donkeys & are passionate advocates for The Donkey Sanctuary.  






  1. A wonderful post Paddy - thank you so much for the glowing report and numerous mentions and all that you do to spread the good work about our Magazine!!
    I cannot wait to meet our Number 1 Fan!!
    Lisa McGee

    1. Lisa, you're very welcome. I'm so thrilled for you all at iSLE that your fabulous magazine is soaring in popularity. You've all worked so hard these last few months to get it finished.

      And you can be sure that when I return to Ireland, I'll be dropping by to say Hello.
